• Christian Apologist


    Christian Apologist

    The role of a Christian Apologist in this segment exists to provide reason for my Christian beliefs based on the Bible and how that gets filtered down to others in my sphere of influence. This segment illustrates how the various classes I took at Andrews Theological Seminary like Bible and Theological Hermeneutics, Mission Education and Training, Biblical Intercultural Theology and other theological studies are pooled together to ensuring I become a good Christian apologist.

    In a quick recap of my early life, my interest in deep Bible study and earnest prayer life that led me to becoming a pastor as time progressed was all ignited by the need for me to play the part of Christian apologist. Listening to a Pentecostal pastor explain Daniel 7, I thought, that did not sound theological nor historically correct and I wanted to rebut. That led me to purchase a PGK360 (A$120) Study Bible. I would spend more than an hour daily, a habit I started developing as early as 1997. That was the beginning of my journey into the world of earnest Bible study and pray and more so life of a Christian apologist. It has being quite a journey which I am loving every part of.

    The artifact below is a picture of me in the house I had in which I would light up two to four candles every time whenever my lantern lamp is out and study my Bible. Those of you who have electricity and good homes-how blessed you are.

    Picture of me in the house I spend early hours studying my Bible daily.

    Later on when I became a pastor, I took to that very spot where the Pentecostal pastor preached and used to do what in PNG is called street witnessing twice a week for a number of years. Also, that journey that was initiated by my desire to correctly and accurately explain the biblical passages led me to launch into radio and TV ministries and also FaceBook under a private ministry arm "In His Steps (PNG Inc.)."

    The artifacts I have attached below are the platforms I have to as a Christian Apologists to at least share amongst many other things, certain biblical reasons for things I believe in as a Christian.

    In His Steps Ministry Page

    My Personal Facebook Page

    To cut the long story short, the classes I took while here like Biblical Theological Hermeneutics with Professor Jiri Moskala has introduced me to various tools available in mining the biblical truths as they are in Scripture, something important for a apologist. The class in Hermeneutics has also broaden my interest in the subject of biblical hermeneutics that I have sufficient resources at my disposal that will help me function effectively in my capacity as Christian apologist. This put together with the class I took with Professor John Matthews helped me to develop different teaching methods of teaching will help me to do my role as a Christian apologist.

    I also have learnt through the Social Science and Mission class I took with Professor Wagner Kuhn that, I have to research and understand the context I am serving in so that I am being relevant giving explanations to real life situations.

    Below are two artifacts. First, a video of me doing a presentation on the history of mission in regards to missio dei and missio ecclesia explaining the essence of mission and the difference between missio dei and missio ecclesia. The second artifact is an example of a research I did to establish how social sciences can affect and influence the community I live and work in.

    Missions Presentation

    Effects of Social Science on Reading of the Bible

    Classes I took with Professor Andrew Tompkins in The Bible, Intercultural Theology and Mission has helped me to continue work on the subject of biblical hermeneutics and develop a biblical hermeneutics that is congruent with the culture I will be serving in-oral culture. Hence, the artifacts below are biblical hermeneutical principles as developed by the General Conference of SDA and one home grown that I developed especially from an oral perspective.

    Biblical Hermeneutical Principles as developed by the General Conference of SDA

    Home Ground Biblical Hermeneutics

    Attached below is the picture of what I was involved in when in PNG for almost three years. The Lord opened up opportunity to share his love both in Church TV stations like 3ABN (PNG), Hope Channel (SPD) and national EMTV (PNG)- a national TV station that is watched by the majority of people in PNG. These all gave the platform to function well as Christian apologist given to opportunity to represent Christ and the church well.

    Many people came in to the church through this medium of TV ministry.

    In His Steps Going Nation Wide on EMTV

    Interview on Hope Channel- Sydney, Australia

    Classes I took here were wonderful, everyone of them. However, I have come to confirm the words of George Knight, it is not so much the infrastructure but the good Christian teacher that is the most important assert. I have come across some of the most Christian people in my life and I praise God for the influence you have exerted in my life. God will continue to bless you all; Professor Cherlyn Doss (Mission Education and Training), Professor John Matthews (Teaching Religion in College, Christian Formation), Jiri Moskala (Bible and Theological Hermeneutics), Boubakar Sanou (General Mission, and Cross-Cultural Leadership), Andrew Tompkins (Biblical Intercultural Theology, History of Mission), Wagner Kuhn (Social Science and Mission), John Reeve (Research Writing) Anthony WagnerSmith (Urban Ministry), David Sedlacek (Advanced Studies in Biblical Counselling, Advanced Studies in Marriage, Interpersonal Relationship and Family). These men and women in their humanness still reflected the True Teacher Jesus Christ. In my view, they all have been a powerful example of what a Christian apologist is to be. They have lived what they preached and it is my wish to emulate them. Once again, I thank them for their time and efforts.

    Especially the Bible, Intercultural Theology and Mission class with Professor Andrew Tompkins helped me to personally explain and understand why I read the Bible. In that way, I am ready at any time to give a reason for my beliefs and faith in the Bible and God.

    in conclusion, as a Christian apologist, when I finish from Andrews University, I envision to do two things. First, there are many SDA church members specifically among the young who go out into the world without knowing the reason why they believe what they believe. And when confronted with the worldly views, they don't seem to have any answers. I endeavor to teach every church member and student under my sphere of influence to always be prepared to give an answer for the faith (1 Peter 3:15). To do so, I will develop methods that show the biblical reasons provided are sound and valid systematic arguments. Will also give them the opportunity to trail them out because by practice, they will learn best (Dough Potter, 2019).

    Second, I will also develop methods that are geared toward providing convincing and logical arguments to answer the questions and objections of non believers all in a loving and caring way (Luke 1:1-4).

    Attached is the article on what I came up with as the rational for why I have to emerge myself in hours of intensive Bible study.

    Why Read the Bible


    Dough Potter (2019) Five Tips for Teaching Christian Apologetics, Southern Evangelical Seminary and College.


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