• Maturing Christian

    Maturing Christian

    A maturing Christian is one who has not yet arrived there (perfection) but is neither stagnant. A maturing Christian is one who is on a journey to full maturity and perfection which will come to consummation at the second return of Jesus Christ; “Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is.” 1 John 3:2, LNT. It is a journey we are all on "pressing on to maturity." Heb 6:1 CEB.

    My upbringing was tough but now, looking back I can only praise God. I was four when my parents broke up. Was fourteen when mom decided to walk away with another man leaving me homeless and without literally anyone to care for me except God. Live was tough but thank God those tough yesteryears of my life laid a solid foundation in my spiritual journey, a journey to Christian maturity that I have not arrived yet. Looking back, I am grateful. My parents' divorce was a blessing in disguise at least for me.

    I have come to learn two important things. First, life is not all smooth sailing. Both good and bad things do happen to God's people. Second, for a Christian who is on the way to maturity, when caught up in tough situations, my prayer is to be "Lord, not my will but your will be done." Luke 22:42. To become a maturing Christian, I have to embrace both the positive and negative things that happen to me in life.

    Since I came to Berrien Springs with family, God has being good. However, there had being times of tragedy too. Little Apo was only six months old when due to an unfortunate situation, my family took her in as a family member also. A very promising young girl, at six years, she would come for sleep over with us frequently.

    However, last Summer, she was diagnosed with an illness and as she was battling with it, I was fasting and praying quoting every biblical promise I could find. Unfortunately, early this year, the Lord allowed her to be rested close to her mother's grave yard at the Ross Hill Cemetery. Very devastating, I asked all the questions I could. But one thing was sure, it helped me and family to look forward to the second coming with more than one reason that is not only to see Jesus but also little Apo and so together we will be. Little Apo's life has taught me one thing, God's ways are not our ways nor our ways his ways (Isa 55: 8,9). That positive outlook prepared me also to receive whatever the outcome of my comprehensive exam result with such positivity.

    As maturing Christian, I aspire to also with the power of His Spirit bear the fruit of the Spirit as in Galatians 5: 20-22. Though, there are areas I am weak in (in regard to the fruit of the Spirit), I am sure with the grace of God, I can grow and bear these fruit as I continue to mature in my walk with God.

    Classes in Teaching Religion in College with Professor John Matthews, General Missions and Cross Cultural Leadership with Boubakar Sanou and Urban Context for Mission and Ministry with Anthony WagnerSmith has emphasized the importance of reaching out to the community in which I live in line with Andrews University motto "World Changers!"

    Motivated and inspired with the classes I took with Professor Gordon Doss in Wealth and Poverty and with the motto of Andrews University "Making a Difference," I raised funds and bought 130 booths for volunteers missionaries who serve in the most remotest of places in four local missions in PNG and presented it to them. Many of them would climb rugged terrains, cross flooding rivers and swamps on bear foot and I felt I compelled to do something even now. A special thank you to Gordon Doss who inspired me more in this area by sharing more of the poverty his people in Malawi go through, the case studies and the images, they certainly impact as I could relate. I came out challenged and vowed to make a difference and this "Boot" ministry with other support has being going for three years now. Thank you Yountville SDA Church and the Hilton Family in Napa Valley, CA.

    The artifacts attached is the result of challenging myself of what I can do while I am still a student here that can make an impact in the lives of people.

    Boots for close to 200 Volunteer Missionaries in the Remotest parts of PNG

    In conclusion, I plan to continue to be connected to God through vibrant prayer life and Bible study. Also be emphatic, flexible and open minded, fostering healthy relationships with people, able to resolve conflicts when they happen, manage stress and continue to an example of Christ to others.

    The following artifacts contains a picture of what I did inspired by the classes I took here at Andrews University and other related images.

    Helping Others to Know and Experience God

    Bougainville Mission Secretary Thanking Sponsors for the Boots

    Imperative that we are all involved in God's Mission

    The following artifact is a personal development plan taking Classes in Christian Formation and Discipleship with Professor John Matthews helped me to develop with other artifacts related to God answering prayers.

    Personal Development Plan for Spiritual Discipline

    Miracles of School Fee Assistance

    The Steps to Maturing Christian


    Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, (1990), P. 143

    Wendy Wisner 8 Signs of Emotional Maturity (2023)


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    The Professional Portfolio and Blog above represent my collection of writings, experiences, and researches. If you have any comments, please don't hesitate to share them with me. Depending on the nature of the comment and my availability, I may or may not be able to respond to you, but I would love to hear from you.

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