• Religious Education

    Religious Education

    Emphasis Area: Religious Education

    Religious education involves changes in human beings making for the right relationship with God-right thinking about him, right attitudes toward him, and right conduct before him. That is the difference between Christian education and general education (C. B. Eavey, History of Christian Education, 1964, 10). Hence, as the adage, it takes a village to raise a child, Christian education is the work of the church, the Christian home, the Christian school, and Christians in whatever societal setting they find themselves in (Warren S. Benson, Philosophical Foundations of Christian Education, 2001, 26). Yet, having a clear-cut philosophy of Christian education is at the heart of fulfilling God’s mission and purposes for his church.

    The philosophy of education is about providing answers to questions like “Why all this education? To what purpose?” (Lawrence A. Cremin, The Genius of American Education, 1965, 30). It boils down to answering the ‘why?’ questions as opposed to the ‘how?’ questions. An education system that concentrates more on the ‘how’ than the ‘why’ (Neil Postman and Charles Weingartener, The School Book, 1973, 295-97) is certain to end up with what Charles E. Silberman described as “mindlessness” (Crisis in the Classroom, 1970, 6).

    Knight stated; the study of educational philosophy is (1) to help educators become acquainted with the basic problems of education, (2) to enable them to evaluate better the wide variety of suggestions offered as solutions to these problems, (3) to assist them in clarifying thinking about the goals of both life and education, and (4) to guide them in the development of an internally consistent point of view and a program that relates realistically to the larger world context (Knight, 2006, 5).

    Further, Knight (Philosophy of Education & Education, 2006, 5) asserts, philosophy in its technical sense might best be thought of in three aspects: an activity, a set of attitudes, and a body of content. Given below are a comprehensive summary of these three aspects.

    I am of the view that, in the Adventist education system, it is imperative every stakeholder rediscovers the rationale for our existence to give it a much-needed breather. Our teachers at all levels need to recapture the passion and they can only do so when they understand the reason why Christian education in general and Adventist education in particular was set up from the start. To do so, there is need for more consultation from the administration with those at the frontline ministry like teachers and pastors. One way to help boost the moral is to take the staff out for weekend retreats as Jesus did invite us "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" Mark 6:36. 'For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isa 30:15. 

    I firmly believe for every Christian worker be it in pastoral, teaching, medical or any arm of ministry, our walk with Him (the Lord of the work) must precede our work for him. Hence, through weekend retreats, this is driven to the participants. Nearly everyone who attends always speak highly of the experience of retreat. Below is a picture of one of such retreats conducted with the staff of Central Papua Conference in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

    Retreat for Central Papua Conference Office Workers 

    Competencies: Religious Education

    With seven competency areas, Religious Education aims to close the gap between theory and practice of Christian spirituality and make it become generational. It is to this end that I am wholly committed-in fact very passionate about. In our field as Religious Educators, we have a field that is huge and the harvest is ready but the laborers are few-laborers who not only work for the Lord but also walk with the Lord of the work.

    I am committed to a workforce be it pastor or teacher who like Paul could say with all confidence to their students and parishioners alike; "Imitate me as I also imitate Christ." 1 Cor 11:1. While there are seven (7) competencies as listed below, in this session, I will only discuss only four of the total seven.  


    The Christian apologist is strategic in his development of contents and mediums of disseminating the Christian message and so to be relevant in the contemporary world.



    Given the context of their role, religious educators already have a ‘church’ who would be ready to listen. As such, Religious Educators are presented with the grandest of opportunities to leave and impression with eternal consequence.

    Helping the Illiterate

    Materials for Literacy 

    Providing Opportunity to Learn how to Read and Write



    A servant leader models principles of servant leadership in the church, at school and also the broader community. In fact, Jesus modeled Servan-Leadership especially when he knowing who he was that he came from heaven and was going back to heaven took the towel and water and washed his disciples feet (John 13:3-17).


    As an evaluator and researcher, the Religious educator has this noble responsibility of conducting, research, analyzing and reporting its findings through the various forums like professional meetings (conferences/symposiums), publications et cetera. hence, it is vital that to be asking the right questions and providing answers to these questions that concerns people, one has to have this vertical as well as horizontal connections. Must be in touch with reality to so provide answers to felt needs.

    The artifact I have attached below is a photo me and Professor John Reeve after we had presented papers at the initial ATS PNG chapter conference in 2021.

    Maturing Christian

    The Religious Educator by his or her life both in the classroom and outside of the classroom continue to be led by example on how to live irrespective of bad influences.

    Teaching People To Feed Themselves

    Reason Why Many Didn't Make it into the Promised Land

    Lifelong Scholar

    As a lifelong scholar, education for especially pastors and ministers, education should continue throughout our lifetime. As we should be learning every day and putting it into maximum use of the knowledge gained. Not to do so is doing injustice to our purpose of existence.  

    Endorsements for the Book Keeping Connection by respective leaders including former Prime Minister of PNG-Sir Julius Chan who is not a member of the SDA Church but a silent listener to Pastor Zuzai Hizoke’s sermons on EMTV

    Keeping Connection

    Area Expert

    As an area expert, one synthesizes all relevant care competencies making them applicable to the focus area and teaches others to do likewise. 


    C. B. Eavey. (1964). History of Christian Education. Chicago: Moody Press.

    Charles E. Silberman. (1970). Crisis in the Classroom.

    George R. Knight. (2006). Philosophy of Education & Education. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press. 

    Lawrence A. Cremin. (1964). The Genius of American Education.

    Neil Postman and Charles Weingartener. (1973). The School Book.

    Warren S. Benson. (2001). Philosophical Foundations of Christian Education.


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    The Professional Portfolio and Blog above represent my collection of writings, experiences, and researches. If you have any comments, please don't hesitate to share them with me. Depending on the nature of the comment and my availability, I may or may not be able to respond to you, but I would love to hear from you.

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